Friday, February 26, 2010

Great news!! and some updates :)

I would love love love love love love love LOVE to be able to stay home with Lucy every day, but unfortunately the time for me to go back to work is fast approaching. I have two weeks left with my little lady and I plan on soaking them up and soaking her in.
Before Lucy was even born, she was on the waiting list at three different daycares. One of the daycares (the best one, the greatest one, the perfect one) is literally right next door to my school, and even though it seemed highly unlikely they would have a mid-year opening, I was still optimistic and hopeful that Lucy would get a spot there. It would have been great - I could have nursed her lunch, dropped her off at the last possible minute, and picked her up right after dismissal. She could have come to my classroom to finish up any work before we went home. However - that was too good to be true! :) She is still on the wait list there, and IF I do go back to work next year, there is a very strong possibility she will spend her days there.

Even once I knew that daycare was out, I wasn't too worried because she got a spot at a center near our house. We had toured this center late in my pregnancy and they seemed good. Not great. Not wonderful. But good. The biggest downside is how far a drive it is from my school - it took me 37 minutes to get there the day we toured. Because Andrew travels around so much, I hated the though of her being sick and it taking so long for me to get to her. Plus, it meant it would be that much longer before I get to see her every afternoon.

Once Lucy was born and we started to get to know her little personality, I started to get really nervous about sending her to daycare. She is not world's best sleeper (ha!), she naps in her swing every day, and she hates hates hates riding in the car. I didn't want her to have to start and end her day doing things she hates. Plus, she was going to have to share attention with three other babies (this center has a 4:1 ratio). Andrew and I started tossing around the idea of hiring a nanny, and the more we thought about it, the better it sounded. Not only would Lucy be able to stay at her house every day, but Andrew will be able to see her most days when he comes home for lunch! It also means we won't be paying for childcare over the summer when we don't need it!

We interviewed several people by phone and two people in person and I am thrilled that we have found someone who I think will be just perfect! She is 25, getting married in June, very sweet and has wonderful references. When we met her, she took to Lucy right away and seemed very comfortable holding her, talking to her, just being around her. She is going to come over next week one day to "play," and then babysit for us one evening to troubleshoot any possible issues. I feel so good that Lucy is going to get to stay in her comfortable home with someone who will love her and care for her. Our nanny even promised to send me hourly text messages and pictures - do you think she picked up on my neurotic tendencies? :) SO - even though I hate the thought of leaving my sweet monkey, I am happy with our solution. And it is only three months. I can do three months. Then we will reassess!

In other big news - Lucy's cousin is here! My brother and his wife had a sweet baby girl on Monday! It will be so fun in July when we get the babies together :)

Lucy is still not sleeping well at night and logistically I am starting to get worried. I have not slept longer than two hours at time in a week (which means she hasn't either!). She isn't waking up hungry all of these times, although she will usually nurse just a little. I have put her new super soft sheet (just like her changing pad cover) in her crib and we are going to give it the old college try again this weekend. I really don't mind waking up with her at night, but I do wish she would give us at least one good long stretch. I am worried that she isn't getting enough nighttime sleep. I wish she had an instruction manual! :)

Even in our sleep deprived state, Lucy is still such a joy! She is generally a happy smiley baby when she is awake (as long as we stay home... she still hates her carseat which leads trips out to be a little hectic!). She is starting to show a lot of interest in her toys that light up, especially her little laptop! It is hilarious to watch her with such concentration as she "works." We spend most evenings playing this way and laughing with our peanut!

I know she looks floppy in this picture, but she really does a great job of sitting up in her Bumbo!

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