... and exactly 2 weeks until we know if Baby Tad is a boy or a girl. Is it just me or is time crawling by??
I sign up for multiple baby email newsletter things (basically just to clog my inbox since I don't really get any other emails!) and two of them always compare the baby's size to a fruit or veggie. It was cute when baby was the size of a blueberry and a raspberry. A lime was a big favorite for my friend Katie (I think that was 12 weeks). So yesterday I get the 17 week emails, and do you want to know what these silly websites are comparing the size of my beautiful, sweet baby to? A turnip! Gross... my poor baby. Don't worry - we won't call you Turnip. I quickly, quickly go to check the other site, thinking they would compare my baby to something much more desirable... and this is what I get:

An ONION!?!?! Seriously... and I LOVE onions. But let's think of something a little sweeter! :) It was, however, very exciting to read that Tad now has distincitive prints on his/her tiny little fingers and toes. And his/her skeleton is turning to bone, which seems like a pretty important developmental milestone. All in all, a big week for baby Tad, the turnip, er, onion.
I have been seeing this weekly survey on some blogs that I follow, so I thought I would give it a whirl. Because I am lazy, I probably won't do it weekly, but it will be fun every now and then!
How far along? 17w1d
Total Weight Gain? about 3 pounds 2 weeks ago... so maybe 4 or 5?
Maternity Clothes? Just pants - I still rock my regular tank tops.
Stretch Marks? Nope. Andrew keeps me pretty well stocked in Palmer's cocoa butter, so hopefully that will do the trick.
Sleep? I am not quite sure what this is asking. Yes, I still sleep! :)
Best Moment this week? I *might* have felt Tad on Friday. I don't really know what I should be feeling, and it certainly wasn't a kick or anything, but a tiny little flutter. I am on the look-out (feel-out?) for more!
Food Cravings? Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, Strawberries - Yum.
Sex of baby? We find out sooooon!
Belly Button? This question prompted Andrew and I to look at my belly button more closely. I think it is getting more shallow, and he agrees. Kind of gross, actually.
What am I looking forward to the most? Our big anatomy scan in 2 weeks - not just to find out the gender, but I am really just super stoked to see Tad again. S/he is a cool kid!
Milestones? I guess the maybe movement moment!