She has been amazingly active the past 2 weeks, and it is so amazing to feel her moving around. She is kind of stubborn, though, so Andrew has only been able to feel her once. Every time he puts his hand down, she stops moving! He must have a calming effect on her! :) I have been seeing her move at random times from the outside too, which is pretty neat. This morning, she kicked 4 times in the exact same place and my stomach poked out each time. It was really cool.
Girl Tad is still nameless... but we are working on it! It is HARD to pick a name for a baby! We want her to have a classic, but not old-fashioned name. I also don't want her to have to be known with her last initial throughout elementary school, so we are looking for something that is not overly popular. We will be narrowing down the top contenders soon enough!
I am already proving what an organized and non-scattered mommy I will be by forgetting to register for child birth preparation classes. Oooops. Just in case the fairies can't make it (I am convinced that magical fairies are going to come get her out!) I want to be prepared. I was looking on-line to sign up today and realized that ALL of the classes are full. I called the scheduling lady and she was nice enough to put me in an already full class that starts the very beginning of November. It meets twice a week for 2 weeks, for a total of 8 hours. I also signed up for our birthing center tour (October 6) and our breastfeeding class (October 20).
Other exciting news: my wonderful BFF Katie is throwing Girl Tad and me a baby shower! I am so excited and so lucky to have her. October 10th will be the shin dig and it is sure to be a classy affair!
Baby Girl Tad is still growing like a little weed! It is so exciting to me (for some strange reason) that she weighs over a pound now! She is about to start packing on the chub! My updates are kind of whack now because one has gone to monthly (this month your baby is the size of a papaya) and the other says she is the size of a large mango. Wasn't she a mango 4 weeks ago?! Either way, I can definitely tell she is getting bigger and next week I am excited to see the changes in my little eggplant :)
Now the nitty-gritty:
How far along? 23w1d (and baby girl is measuring 24 weeks)
Total Weight Gain? 8 pounds, only up .2 pounds in 4 weeks (and I swear I am eating Mom!)
Maternity Clothes? Yep! My regular shirts are getting too short so I have some longer maternity shirts that are lovely. I also bought 2 non-maternity fold-over waist skirts at Target that are sooo comfy - I think they will be my staple when school starts.
Stretch Marks? Nope. Thank you Palmer's Cocoa Butter.
Sleep? I wake up to pee at least once a night. I am finding it harder to get comfortable. Murphey uses my belly as a pillow. It is pretty funny.
Best Moment this week? Seeing Baby Girl move all over the place INSIDE!
Food Cravings? Anything spicy. Seriously. Hot sauce = YUM. I am such a cliche!
Sex of baby? Baby girl
Belly Button? Seriously getting ready to pop out. The top is completely flat and it is SO shallow. Andrew things I am obsessed with it and he may be right. It is the weirdest thing ever.
What am I looking forward to the most? Andrew feeling her move more consistently. It is the coolest thing ever and I know he is excited to feel her more and more!Milestones? Getting started on our nursery. She has beautiful furniture and bedding picked out. I am ready to paint and start decorating. Also 24 weeks is known as viability week, which means baby girl has a good chance of surviving outside the womb if she were to be born. Don't get any ideas Girl Tad - we want you to keep cooking!
And now.... the belly! We went to Nags Head for the week of our anniversary and this picture was taken after I trudged up the dunes at Jockey's Ridge, hence the wind-blown look! :)