It is still a work in progress, but check out girl Tad's beautiful pink and green nursery!! It is hard to tell, but the walls are an awesome light green color. Her bedding is super bright pink and white, and her furniture is "cider." I love how it is coming together!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Cleaning out the Nursery!
That's what we did today! We might even paint tomorrow... I will post pics if we do. I think Andrew is starting to feel some of my anxiety - we have to get it finished! I will be fully term in 9 weeks... holy smokes! And my due date is only 12 weeks away :)
I had a regular appointment on Thursday, the last of the monthly visits. I will go every 2 weeks until 35 weeks and then start going every week. Everything looked great with girl Tad and with me - good bp, good pee, good weight, all around we are perfect!
Girl Tad has been moving around like crazy. She loves to hang out right in my ribs - there is always a foot right under my right rib cage. We have definitely been able to feel some actual body parts poking out here and there which is cool and creepy at the same time. The kids in my class are even starting to notice her movement patterns if I am wearing a fitted shirt. It is pretty funny!
Andrew and I toured the day care that is right beside my school last Friday. If I work next year (still many discussions away from deciding about this one!), it is REALLY where I want her to be. We put her on the waiting list for next fall, and we are pretty sure that there will be a spot for her in August. However, we are really hoping that a spot will open up before March so she can just start there when I go back to work after my maternity leave. It isn't too likely though (they only take 6 infants) so we have been researching our other options. We actually got an email yesterday from the Primrose School that is close to our house so we will be checking it out this week. I worry about her being all the way in Durham because it is a good 25-30 minutes drive from my school and Andrew travels so much. I would just feel so much more comfortable with her right near where I am. We'll see how it all turns out!
This week, girl Tad weighs 2 pounds and is the size of a head of cauliflower. Her brain activity continues to increase too... big shocker there! I am sure her brain is quite active :)

How far along? 27w5d
Milestones? I don't know if this is a milestone or a best moment this week (and I really don't know that anyone cares), but we got an AWESOME deal on a great breast pump. The Medela Pump In Style Advanced is supposed to be one of the best, and the one we liked best retails for about $280. The one a step above the one we liked best retails for about $330. Somebody at made a huge mistake and marked down the pumps to an incredible $149.00. Someone alerted me to the great sale, and I ordered it immediately (the step above one - the Metro bag if anyone REALLY cares). Less than an hour later, they were marked as "currently unavailable" but my order had already been processed. It shipped 12 hours later and was here on Thursday. What an incredible score and huge money saver!
And now for my belly... check out how big it is getting! I look exhausted because I was! I have been working some insane hours these first few weeks of school and I come home ready to crash. But you get the idea!
I had a regular appointment on Thursday, the last of the monthly visits. I will go every 2 weeks until 35 weeks and then start going every week. Everything looked great with girl Tad and with me - good bp, good pee, good weight, all around we are perfect!
Girl Tad has been moving around like crazy. She loves to hang out right in my ribs - there is always a foot right under my right rib cage. We have definitely been able to feel some actual body parts poking out here and there which is cool and creepy at the same time. The kids in my class are even starting to notice her movement patterns if I am wearing a fitted shirt. It is pretty funny!
Andrew and I toured the day care that is right beside my school last Friday. If I work next year (still many discussions away from deciding about this one!), it is REALLY where I want her to be. We put her on the waiting list for next fall, and we are pretty sure that there will be a spot for her in August. However, we are really hoping that a spot will open up before March so she can just start there when I go back to work after my maternity leave. It isn't too likely though (they only take 6 infants) so we have been researching our other options. We actually got an email yesterday from the Primrose School that is close to our house so we will be checking it out this week. I worry about her being all the way in Durham because it is a good 25-30 minutes drive from my school and Andrew travels so much. I would just feel so much more comfortable with her right near where I am. We'll see how it all turns out!
This week, girl Tad weighs 2 pounds and is the size of a head of cauliflower. Her brain activity continues to increase too... big shocker there! I am sure her brain is quite active :)

How far along? 27w5d
Total Weight Gain? 12 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Almost completely. Even my regular gym clothes are getting tight - I think I am going to have to switch to Andrew's t-shirts for the gym.
Stretch Marks? Nope. Although my stomach is super itchy and I think that may be a beginning sign. I have added in another daily cocoa butter application, but I think it may be out of my hands. **fingers crossed they stay away**
Sleep? I wake up multiple times a night and switching positions is kind of a production. Totally worth it :) She always moves around when I wake up at night, as if she is telling me to get comfy fast!
Best Moment this week? Seeing our friends from VT who haven't seen this massive belly since June. They had such nice things to say!
Food Cravings? Still spicy food, clementines, granola bars...
Sex of baby? Baby girl
Belly Button? Still the number one object of my fascination. It is so gross. Completely flat, and the top is starting to poke out, especially if I have just eaten. Andrew thinks it looks like the knot on a balloon. It is also SUPER itchy all around it. Ew.
What am I looking forward to the most? Painting the nursery and setting up the crib. Picking out cute accessories for our little girl. And of course, meeting her!Milestones? I don't know if this is a milestone or a best moment this week (and I really don't know that anyone cares), but we got an AWESOME deal on a great breast pump. The Medela Pump In Style Advanced is supposed to be one of the best, and the one we liked best retails for about $280. The one a step above the one we liked best retails for about $330. Somebody at made a huge mistake and marked down the pumps to an incredible $149.00. Someone alerted me to the great sale, and I ordered it immediately (the step above one - the Metro bag if anyone REALLY cares). Less than an hour later, they were marked as "currently unavailable" but my order had already been processed. It shipped 12 hours later and was here on Thursday. What an incredible score and huge money saver!
And now for my belly... check out how big it is getting! I look exhausted because I was! I have been working some insane hours these first few weeks of school and I come home ready to crash. But you get the idea!

Monday, September 7, 2009
Hello Third Trimester!
Holy cow! We have officially entered the third trimester! As in, only 92 days until my due date! Eeeeek! We are so close to Girl Tad's arrival... and there is still a LOT to do! Like... pick a name?! Still working on it folks, give me some time. I am the most indecisive person in the world, and I am supposed to pick a name for my kid?!?! It could definitely take awhile!
I promise a more detailed post after our doctor's appointment on Thursday - I will update with the nitty gritty that I know you all crave!
I promise a more detailed post after our doctor's appointment on Thursday - I will update with the nitty gritty that I know you all crave!
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