Our new schedule is EXHAUSTING! I get up at 5, pump, shower and get dressed, feed Lucy and am at the door by 6:30. I get to school by 7 and have half an hour to get set up for the day. Then, I teach from 7:30-2:30, pumping three times in there. There is NO time to do anything and I think my stress level is impacting how much milk I get when I pump. Hopefully I will settle in and be able to produce more this week. I see my kiddos off at by 3:00, leave school by 3:15, home by 3:45. I feed and play with Lucy until between 6:30 and 7 (boo for not a whole lot of time with her!), then we do her bath and bedtime routine. She still is not sleeping well at all, so on a good night it takes until 8 to get her to bed (don't even ask about a bad night!). At 8, I eat dinner, wash bottles and pump parts, prepare bottles for the next day, and pack my lunch for school. THEN, I finally get to prepare my lessons and activities for the next day. I try to be in bed by 10. In theory, I would get 7 hours of sleep, but Lucy is still waking every hour. I am one tired mama! :)
We are actually going to see her pediatrician on Monday to see if we can get to the bottom of this sleep thing. She does well in her swing - it is just when we lay her flat on her back. She screams and screams like she is in pain. She wakes up from a deep sleep screaming. It is almost like she can't transition from one sleep cycle to the next. My poor baby :( Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this soon!
In other news, Lucy has hit this amazing developmental growth spurt! She is learning all kinds of new things and gets so proud of herself! She has been rolling from belly to back for awhile now, but it always required this great production. Now, as soon as she is put on her tummy, she flops right over, and then gets this HUGE grin on her face! She has also learned how to splash in the bath tub! It is the funniest thing. She will wait until the cup of water is being poured over her and then just flail her arms and legs as fast as she can! Silly girl! She entered the phase of "I must taste everything" and now puts everything in her mouth. If we hold a toy up to her face, she grabs it and pulls it in close to "kiss" it! On Friday, she even tried tasting her toes! I don't thinks she liked them too much!
Another big new thing for Lucy is her new carseat! She has hated hated hated her infant seat since day 1, so we finally just bought a convertible to see if she would like it more. We figured we were going to need one anyone, and if it makes riding more pleasant for her, why not? We got the Graco MyRide65, and we love it! Lucy did great her first trip out in it, and although she wasn't a huge fan yesterday, we are hopeful that the angle of this seat makes her much more comfortable.
I need to download newest pictures... stay tuned for those!