We had our monthly doctor's appointment today (I call it my "normal pregnant person" appointment). It was pretty ordinary, which I am not complaining about at all! I have only gained 3 pounds so far, which my OB said was great. In fact, he said I could gain about 5 more. Woohoo... bring on the queso! We listened to Tad, he answered my questions... pretty normal!
The exciting part was scheduling our anatomy scan!! Andrew and I are pretty lucky that we have gotten to see Tad 4 times already - that is way more than "normal" pregnant people get to see their babies! At 6 weeks, Tad was just a blog with a tiny flickering heart. At 7w2d, we could see and hear the heartbeat and make out arm buds and leg buds. At 8w1d, the arms and legs were very clear and we could make out the heartbeat without the doctor pointing it out! :) Our NT scan at 12w2d showed us that Tad really is a baby and not just some alien in my belly... those are the pictures you can see in the video. Well - at our anatomy scan, not only will the check the chambers of Tad's heart, his spine and brain, but they will be able to tell us if Tad is a boy or a girl!! July 15th - 3:30 EST. Mark your calendars people - I am stoked!
One more thing: Remember how I said I had only gained 3 pounds? Well check out this picture! Being five feet tall certainly makes baby bellies pop out sooner! (Taken at 14w4d)

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