Lucy is sick for the first time :( Poor monkey. I trusted my mommy gut and took her to the doctor today and yep - double ear infection. Ouch. No wonder she has been so slimy, snotty, coughy, clingy, fussy. She got some antibiotics and I am sure she will be back to her happy, bouncy self in no time!

Still pretty cute, no?
We've had a busy few weeks getting into our summer routine, but it is so, so, so much fun! We
go to a music class on Tuesdays, to Gymboree on Wednesdays, play dates with our friends, shopping - I just love spending so much time with this little girl! We just got back from our trip to Maryland on Sunday and Lucy was a rock star! I am so proud of her for being such a pleasant, flexible baby when her whole routine was turned upside down! Speaking of routines, I have been working hard to get Lucy to start napping in her crib (as opposed to her swing - she is just getting too big and she was super restless) and I think *knock on wood* that I am starting to be successful! She doesn't take long naps, but I am not too surprised - this kid is not a sleeper!
Most days look something like this:
6:00 Wake up, Nurse, Playtime downstairs
7:00 Run with Mommy, or walk if she is fighting the stroller
She still hates the BOB, but I am trying to run with her at least 3 times a week so hopefully she will get used to it soon. We usually spend close to an hour and a half outside in the mornings before it gets too hot. We see the neighborhood off, waving to all the people and the dogs! It is dorky, but fun!
9:00 Nurse, Nap
Mommy takes world's fastest shower and gets ready because nap usually only lasts 30 minutes if I'm lucky!
10:00 Nurse, "Breakfast"
Usually oatmeal with pureed apples or pears
10:30 Leave for morning activity
Grocery shopping, Target, Music, Playdate... whatever!
12:30 Home to start the afternoon nap battle, Nurse and story first
My goal is to get this afternoon nap to an hour, so 1:00-2:00... longerwould be even better! We're working on it! She gets so sleepy, but just wakes up after 45 minutes or so. If I drive her around in the car, she'll sleep for close to two hours, so I know she needs the sleep. I am definitely learning all the back roads!
2:00 or 3:00 Nurse, Run errands, Play time
5:00 Nurse, Neighborhood walk or pool time with Daddy and neighborhood friends
6:30 "Dinner" Some sort of veggie puree
(We've tried sweet potatoes, peas, butternut squash, carrots, and zucchini is next!)
7:00 Bath and jammies
7:30 Nurse and bed
She's still up A LOT during the night, but I am okay with it. Mostly. She still needs me and I want to be there for her, so for now, this is what works. I secretly hope that better daytime naps will be key to better nighttime sleep, but I haven't seen any evidence of that so far. :)

Wouldn't you love to spend all summer with this beauty?! :)