So here we are - two weeks from D day. Holy smokes! We are so, so excited to meet baby girl and know that she could make her grand entrance any day now! We did finally (better late than never) take a childbirth class, just in case the fairies can't make it. It was great - the instructor was informative and fun and we met some other fun couples too!
I have been pretty lucky pregnancy-wise. I like to say that I suck at getting pregnant but I pretty much rock the being pregnant thing! :) The following is a re-cap of the great Pig Debacle - more so I remember than because I expect any of you to read this! Right around the time of my baby shower (Oct. 10) I started getting a virus. I knew I had picked it up from one of those grimy little first graders and didn't think much of it. It hung around for about 2 weeks before I finally sucked it up and called my OB. They had me come in, but it was obviously viral so I didn't have many options. On Thursday, Oct. 22, my class had a field trip. It was lots of fun, for everyone except the kid with the 103.1 fever! WHAT - STOP THE PRESSES!! So we sent fever boy home, and his mom emails me the next day that he and his two brothers all have H1N1. Great. That Friday (Oct. 23 for those keeping track) was a teacher workday and I was feeling super rundown. I figured it was just the stupid virus, but I called my OB anyway because I still wasn't any better. They did a flu swab and listened to my chest and sent me on my way. Here's where it gets fun!
That night, Russ and Ginger arrived from Maryland to visit for the weekend. We had grand plans of going to the state fair and Halloween shopping and the like. We went to dinner and I was really feeling lousy. I seriously ate like 3 bites and felt like my head was in a bubble the whole time. Right after we got home I said goodnight and went to bed. The next morning (Saturday now, are you keeping up?!) I woke up and felt terrible. Mom and Dad were supposed to come to go to the state fair with all of us, and when they called at 800 to say they were leaving, I told them to stay home because there was no way I could go to the fair. Andrew was entertaining Russ and Ginger and I thought extra sleep would be enough. When he came upstairs to check on me, he wanted to take my temp because he said I felt really warm. Sure enough, it was 101.5 and climbing. I started freaking out and then realized I hadn't really been feeling Girl Tad move around. Again, awesome. We called the on-call OB who wanted me to get to the hospital, so we headed off. We thought some IV fluids would be enough, but to make this very long story much shorter, they ended up admitting me to keep on eye on Girl Tad since she was thinking about getting out of the oven. Lots of fluids, some steroid shots, several different contraction-stoppers, and a bad experience with ginger ale later, we got to go home Sunday night, and it still took about two weeks for me to feel "better." Not fun. But a great story! :)
Now that we have arrived at 38 weeks, I am really really ready to meet my baby. I am VERY uncomfortable and move like a beached whale! We have finished everything for the nursery and bought everything the kid could possibly need. I have my long-term sub lined up at school and most of my plans are filed and ready for her to take over. Speaking of school, the parents in my class and all of the kiddos had a shower for me last Friday (Nov. 13). It was super fun and very well-organized. They kiddos got to play games, there was cake, and there were presents! I was overwhelmed by their generosity :)
This weekend, we bought a video camera so we can easily upload videos of our cutie onto this blog. Andrew is going to make a movie of the completed nursery (WAY cuter than the video that is on here) so I will put it up whenever he finishes! I have properly nested and I feel good that my house is clean and in order. I even cleaned out the cabinets under our bathroom sinks - I've never gotten the itch to do that before! We had the car washed, vacuumed, and the interior cleaned. I know it sounds lazy to say we had it done, but seriously at $12, you can't really beat that! It would have taken me all day! I have been walking, walking, walking every day, but not really buying into too many of the other old wives tales that supposedly induce labor. People keep asking me if I am ready, and I am! I am so excited - it is like waiting for the best present ever to come, but you don't know when it will arrive! I also get asked a lot if I am nervous. At this point, not really. I am way more nervous about being the best mommy I can be than I am about delivery. I am sure I will get nervous when I get to the hospital (although, actually, after spending some time there I am feeling very confident and secure in our hospital choice!) but my excitement outweighs any nervousness 1000 to 1.
Without further ado, my hopefully last "weekly" update. I told you I would suck at updating this thing! :)
How far along? 37w6d
Total Weight Gain? 14 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Even those are starting to not fit. Seriously. I. Am. Huge.
Stretch Marks? Nope. Thank you for asking.
Sleep? Insomnia has overtaken my life. It is almost 4 am now. I am awake. I have been since 230. This is going to not be fun at 515 when it is time to get up for the day to deal with 22 crazy first graders! Last night I woke up for good at 430. It is kind of cruel joke Mother Nature plays. You are all big and giant and exhausted, yet sleep does not come easily. And don't say "This just prepares you for when the baby comes." At least when she is here, I will have someone to keep me company in the middle of the night! :)
Best Moment this week? There have been lots of best moments of the weeks since I've updated this thing. For this past week, and I realize how trivial this is, but I guess getting our diaper bag. I agonized over the decision and I love, love, love the one I chose!
Food Cravings? Granny Smith apples, Moes, Ritz crackers
Sex of baby? Baby girl
Belly Button? It is officially an outie!
What am I looking forward to the most? Baby Girl's arrival! Seeing her face, picking out her name, being a mommy... :)Milestones? Just trust me that we're making some progress!
Who wants to see my belly? I am warning you - it is giant! She has definitely dropped WAY down too so I look a little bit like I am going to lose my balance at any second. Which could happen :) Notice Murphey staring at me like he has never seen anything this giant before. Thanks buddy!

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