So so true! I love this little girl so much, and the fact that she is starting to laugh and squeal constantly makes me fall in love with her all over again every day. I am having so much fun with her as her little personality develops more every day!
I swear, our weekends are so much fun now that I told Andrew we needed to start having less fun so Mondays wouldn't suck so bad! (totally kidding baby!) Even doing simple things like yard work, which we spent a lot of this weekend doing, are so much more fun now! Lucy had a great time "helping" - she played in her tent on the driveway while we worked outside. She loves being outside so much, and would have happily spent the entire weekend there!

I took this picture with my phone, so it looks kind of rough, but she is having so much fun in her tent playing with her toes! So cute!
Going to Target and grocery shopping and eating at the "same old" places are also so much m
ore fun now that we have a curious little monkey who loves to be out and about! She squeals and screams with delight as we walk through the stores, and I LOVE seeing and hearing people comment on how cute she is (what can I say, I love attention!)!

We made a big purchase this weekend and bought a BOB revolution. Even though you can't really run with a baby until they are a bit older, we will still be able to do some loops around the neighborhood. I took her out today, and she didn't love it, but I didn't really except her to. She hates her other stroller (the City Mini) and much prefers to be carried in the Baby Bjorn. We'll keep working on it, though, and I am confident by this summer she and I will have lots of fun running together and training for my half marathon!
I am trying to get video of Lucy laughing and rolling, but she is such a busy baby that I can never get the Flip out in time! Over night, it seems, she is rolling all over the place and working hard on scooting on her belly! I got overwhelmed tonight because I don't think I'm quite ready to have a mobile baby... but she sure is ready to move! It is so exciting to watch her learn new things!
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