Friday, April 2, 2010

Snuggle Puppy Updates

I know I am biased, but isn't she a cutie?!

Now... what we've been up to:

*Lucy now likes to ride in her Baby Bjorn (after almost 4 months of hating the stroller and the carrier, this is huge). She LOVES to be outside and if 1:00 rolls around and she hasn't been out yet, she starts to scream at us!
*Speaking of, she has recently discovered that her sweet little vocal chords can make a very loud sound at a very high pitch and she loves loves loves to scream. She isn't mad - she is just experimenting (take that lady at B&N who looked at me with judgey eyes!).
*Two weeks ago, Lucy started splashing in the bath tub. She especially likes it when the water gets on her face!
*Lucy has started tripoding! That means she can sit up using her hands to support her. I don't have any pictures of this because I am a nervous nellie and am too afraid to walk away when she is doing it!
*I think I've already mentioned this, but on 3/14 we moved Lucy to her big-girl convertible carseat. While she still doesn't love it, if she is sleepy she will at least fall asleep in it (instead of getting completely over-tired and falling to pieces). The only down side to this is that if she falls asleep on then ten minute car ride home, she thinks that is enough of a nap and fights going back down!
*TOES!! Lucy loves her toes and spends hours every day trying to figure out how to get them into her mouth :) Sometimes I help her!
*Lucy LOVES her exersuacer now! Her feet can just barely reach the bottom and she loves being Miss Independent and playing with the toys. She only lasts about 15 minutes, though, before she has to explore something else!
*Lucy had her first picnic and swinging adventure (3/31) and loved being outside on the blanket, but wasn't a huge fan of the swing. We'll try again soon!
*Sleep. Well... we're still working on it. I am reading some books and doing some research and we will probably start some formal sleep training in the next few weeks. She hates being put down in her crib and still wakes 6-7 times a night - this mama is tired!

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